Bi-Folding Aluminium Doors
Alitherm Heritage windows have been a popular choice for commercial properties for many years. These windows were originally made from iron then later steel windows were created. After this, galvanised steel became used in the windows. In recent times, however, businesses and homes have come to realise there is an even newer option for these windows – aluminium Alitherm Heritage windows.
We offer to replace windows made with steel and other metals with aluminium Alitherm Heritage windows. Aluminium is more cost effective than steel and also takes less maintenance – there’s no need to paint it or to coat it to prevent rust or corrosion as aluminium doesn’t suffer from either of these problems.
As well as replacing Alitherm Heritage windows with new aluminium versions, we can also replace other types of windows with this tough, durable material. If you have timber, hardwood, oak or stone surrounds, aluminium windows are a perfect solution. They can come in a variety of different colours and finishes to match in with other parts of the house and offer an excellent U-value – meaning they can help save you money on your utility bills by making the property more energy efficient.
We also offer aluminium windows in a variety of styles so if you have a style you like and want to see about having it added to your home, we are happy to chat about it.
French Aluminium Doors
French doors are a common sight on many homes, allowing maximum light and air into a room and meaning you can sit indoors and enjoy your garden. When it comes to replacing French doors, people often stick with the same material such as wood or PVC but there are other options. Top of the list is aluminium French doors.
When you use aluminium doors and windows, you get all the benefits of the style as well as the added benefits of this very strong material. Aluminium is often seen in shops and commercial units but also increasingly on homes as people realise that the benefits that make it popular for shops also applies to their homes.
With advances in coatings, you can also have a range of coloured finishes for your aluminium doors and windows as well. While the basic grey colour is best known, there are plenty of other options including reds, blues and greens to fit in with the look of your home or create an entirely new one.
With French doors, you also get the high energy efficiency that comes from a door that doesn’t contract or expand. This means no gaps between the frame and the door to let heat out or cold in. And the strong, corrosion and rust-free aluminium is great value for money, lasting the longest possible time with almost no upkeep needed.
Residential Aluminium Doors
Gone are the days where you were limited to either bright white PVC doors or high maintenance timber ones. Now there are lots of composite materials that can bring the best of both worlds. But standing above all of these are the new styles of aluminium residential doors that are offered by us.
Aluminium doors are the latest in door styles and have moved up in popularity due to the number of benefits you get from using them. These stylish, modern and colourful doors are available in a range of shades and coordinate with other elements of your home. They are made from super-strong aluminium which needs almost no maintenance and won’t corrode or rust due to exposure to the elements.
These doors can be larger, wider and have more glass in them than other types of door, making them ideal for the front and the back of the house. They work alongside aluminium window frames to create a cohesive look to your property and ensure that everything is sturdy and durable. There are sleek and contemporary styles as well as more classic looks for older and period properties.
Aluminium doors also come with the latest in multi-point locking systems so there’s no worries about the level of security offered. You can comply with insurance requirements and be safe in the knowledge that you have a door that will resist almost all attempts to break in.

Sliding Aluminium Doors
Sliding doors have been around for a while now, bringing the convenience, ease of use and space benefits of the style. But now you can enhance your sliding doors one step further by opting for aluminium sliding doors from us.
Siding doors are popular on the rear of the house for areas opening onto a patio or decking area. Anywhere that there are French doors, you may be able to make a swap to a sliding door style and save room. Because sliding doors move from side to side and don’t need space leaving to swing open meaning you gain more of the room by option for them.
Aluminium sliding doors add the benefits of having aluminium frames. This means you have large larger doors with more glass than is often possible with PVC. The frames have virtually no maintenance needs, with a simple wash with warm water and a cloth removing dust and debris. That means no staining or painting. But they can also come in a range of colours, so you don’t have to be limited to the classic grey look.
As a window and door frame material, aluminium has one of the best energy efficiency ratings. It doesn’t expand or contract in different weather conditions so there are no small gaps to get cold air in or warm air out. And they last an extremely long time, making them great value for money.